
Automate data importing


Enrich your data


Browse and search your data


Add DOI and share

FAIR data

SciCat is an important building block to implement a FAIR data management policy

(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

Integrate, Extend, and Automate

Easily extend functionality through the RESTful OpenAPI. Automate connecting to message systems.

(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

Modern Technology Stack

Built on Node.js, Angular, Nest.js and MongoDB

(Image by ar130405 from Pixabay)

Open Source

Fully open source with a committed and welcoming team of developers.

(Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash)

Latest Releases

Backend: Elastic Search, v4.4.0 | Frontend: Elastic Search, v4.4.0



Project Leader
Max Novelli
European Spallation Source
Documentation Leader
Laura Shemilt
Rosalind Franklin Institute
PR and Issue Review Leader
Björn Pedersen
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum
Release Jobs Leader
Spencer Bliven
Release Search UI Leader
Igor Khokhriakov


Junjie Quan
European Spallation Source
Carlo Minotti
Paul Scherrer Institut
Dylan McReynolds
Advance Light Source
Javier Perez
Synchrotron SOLEIL
Majid Ounsy
Synchrotron SOLEIL
Patrick Madela
Synchrotron SOLEIL


Release Jobs
Complete migration and refactor of jobs in backend v4.x
Leader: Daphne Van Dijken
Release Search UI
Improving usability of frontend search UI and adding needed functionality to backend
Leader: Igor Khokhriakov
Low level python library that offers each endpoint as function in python. It requires a good level of knowledge of SciCat backend. Suggested for developing third party applications that will interface with SciCat, like data ingestors, dedicated custom UIs, or ETL processes retrieving data from and storing results in SciCat
High level python library hiding all the inner intricacies of SciCat. It is designed for users concentrating on data analysis, exploratory tasks. It allows the user to transparently retrieve existing datasets and creating new ones with only few lines of code. It also provide functionalities for data transferring.


Official github project
All software packages that are part of the SciCat ecosystem are in the Github project. For documentation see each project.
Official github project
User Guides
Experience SciCat as a user
User Guides
Get Started
To get started with a standalone installation of SciCat and to know more about how to add it to your infrastructure visit the SciCat Live repository.
Get Started
For developer documentation on the SciCat backend.
For more information on the SciCat frontend and developer documentation.
The pyscicat project is a python client library to interact with the SciCat backend.
Scictacean is a high level python packaging for uploading and downloading data to and from SciCat.