Getting started#
Setting up#
Development dependencies are specified in requirements/dev.txt
and can be installed using (see Dependency Management for more information)
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
Additionally, building the documentation requires pandoc which is not on PyPI and needs to be installed through other means. (E.g. with your OS package manager.)
If you want to run tests against a real backend or SFTP server, you also need docker-compose
See Testing for what this is good for and why.
Install the package#
Install the package in editable mode using
pip install -e .
Set up git hooks#
The CI pipeline runs a number of code formatting and static analysis tools. If they fail, a build is rejected. To avoid that, you can run the same tools locally. This can be done conveniently using pre-commit:
pre-commit install
Alternatively, if you want a different workflow, take a look at tox.ini
or .pre-commit.yaml
to see what tools are run and how.
Running tests#
Run the tests using
python -m pytest -n<number-of-threads>
Or to run tests against a real backend and SFTP server (see setup above)
pytest --backend-tests --sftp-tests
Note that the setup and teardown of the backend takes several seconds.
Run the tests using (e.g. python 3.10)
tox -e py310
Or to also run backend and SFTP tests use
tox -e py310-full
Building the docs#
Build the documentation using
python -m sphinx -v -b html -d build/.doctrees docs build/html
Additionally, test the documentation using
python -m sphinx -v -b doctest -d build/.doctrees docs build/html
python -m sphinx -v -b linkcheck -d build/.doctrees docs build/html
Build the documentation using
tox -e docs
This both builds the docs and runs docstest
and linkcheck