
There are 3 core ways to get involved with the Data Catalogue project:

  1. Documentation - Fixing errors, covering weaker areas, adding examples
  2. Github Issues - This should be the first area to focus on for those that want to amend the code. To see how the project is developed, see the Git Workflow page.
  3. Testing

For information about the development method we follow, please check Development Methodology.


Issues are handled within the Github Issue tracker and should follow the template:

## Issue Name

### Summary

### Steps to Reproduce

### Current Behaviour

### Expected Behaviour

### Extra Details

Here you should include details about the system (if it is unique) and possible information about a fix (feel free to link to code where relevant). Screenshots/GIFs are also fine here.

Merge Requests

There should be no pushing directly to the master or develop branches. To implement a fix, one should open a branch with the naming: hotfix/ISSUE-NAME from the develop branch and complete all work there. When it is complete, a Merge Request should be opened that follows this template:

## Description

## Motivation 

Link to any open issues here

## Fixes:


## Changes:


## Tests included/Docs Updated?

- [ ] Included for each change/fix?
- [ ] Passing? (Merge will not be approved unless this is checked)
- [ ] Docs updated?

## Extra Information/Screenshots

When the request is created, it should be assigned to any other appropriate team member with develop as the target branch. Tests must be written for all features/changes made and any major changes should be updated in the docs repo.

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