
When using the official release image, Backend configuration can be achieved by setting the environmental variables listed below through an orchestration/containerization system, the .env file or with a suitable method compatible with your environment.
The current source code contains an example .env file, named .env.sample listing all the environment variable available to configure the backend.

If you are compiling the application from source, you can edit the file serc/config/configuration.ts with the correct values for your infrastructure. This option is still undocumented, although it is our intention to provide a detailed how-to guide as soon as we can.

Environment Variables

This is complete the list of environment variable that can be used to configure SciCat backend. The list is compiled according to the configuration class defined in src/config/configuration.ts

    list of groups that have admin priviliges
    default: ""
    format: comma separated list of strings. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed

    list of groups that are allowed to delete content
    default: ""
    format: comma separated list of strings. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed

    list of non admin groups that are allowed to create datasets without pid. The pid is assigned by the system. If set to "all", all users can create a dataset belonging to any of the groups they belong to.
    default: "#all"
    format: comma separated list of strings. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed

    list of non admin groups that are allowed to create datasets with explicit pid. If set to "#all", all users can create a dataset belonging to any of the groups they belong to and with esplicit pid.
    If the pid verification is enabled, pid will be validated agains the specification passed.
    default: ""
    format: comma separated list of strings. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed

    list of non admin groups that are allowed to create datasets for groups they do not belong to. If set to "#all", all users can create a dataset belonging to any group with explicit pid.
    If the pid verification is enabled, pid will be validated agains the specification passed.
    default: ""
    format: comma separated list of strings. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed

    list of non admin groups that are allowed to create and update proposals for groups they do not belong to. If set to "#all", all users can create a dataset belonging to any group with explicit pid.
    default: ""
    format: comma separated list of strings. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed

    list of non admin groups that are allowed to create and update samples for the groups they belong to. If set to "#all", all users can create a dataset belonging to their group.
    default: ""
    format: comma separated list of strings. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed

    list of non admin groups that are allowed to create samples for any groups, but can only update samples belonging to groups they belong to. default: ""
    format: comma separated list of strings. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed

    List of groups assigned by default to all users. Used in the vanilla implementation for easy configuration.
    If you do not want or need to assign any default group, it should be set to empty string "".
    Default value: ""
    format: Comman separated list of strings. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed
    example: "group1,group2,group3,..."

  • ACCESS_GROUP_SERVICE_TOKEN: Access token needed to access the API specified in ACCESS_GROUP_SERVICE_API_URL, used to retrieve access groups from a third party system.
    _format*: string

    Well formed url of the service API used to provide access groups. Only one value is allowed.
    format: string
    example: ""

    The facility DOI prefix, with trailing slash.
    : ""
    format: string

    Secret used to set up express session.
    default: ""
    format: string

    URL specified upon successful logout. It is returned in the json object for the frontend, or third party UI, to be used locally.
    default: ""
    format: string

    Max number of redirects for http requests.
    default: 5
    format: integer

    Timeout from http requests in ms.
    default: 5000
    format: integer

    The secret used to create any JWT token, used for authorization.
    : ""
    format: string

    Expiration time of any JWT token in seconds.
    default: 3600 (s)
    format: integer

    Length of time that the never expiring jwt token will last.
    default: 100y
    format: string as in number of years

    Full URI (including port) of your local LDAP server, if this is your selected authentication method.
    default: No default
    example: ldaps://
    format: string

    Bind DN to access information on your LDAP server.
    default: No default
    format: string

    Credentials associated with your bind DN to acccess your LDAP server.
    default: No default
    format: string

    Search base for your LDAP server.
    default: No default
    format: string

    Search filter for you LDAP server.
    default: No default
    format: string
    example: "(LDAPUsername=)"

    type of ldap server we are communicating with
    NEEDS TO BE UPDATED. Not sure which other values are accepted
    default: ad
    format: string
    acceptable values: ad

    LDAP matching field that provides the external id
    default: sAMAccountName
    format: string

    LDAP field providing the username
    default: displayName
    format: string

    Full URL of your OIDC identity provider
    default: No default
    format: string
    example: "https://identity.your.facility/your/realm"

    Client id used to convert OIDC code to OIDC token. This is assigned in the OIDC service when the token is generated
    default: No default
    format: string
    example: "scicat"

    Token used to convert OIDC code to OIDC token. This is assigned in the OIDC service when the token is generated
    example: "90f1268..."

    URL of the endpoint that is called when the authentication has been executed with the OIDC service.
    default: No default
    format: string
    example: "http://localhost:3000/api/v3/oidc/callback"

    Information returned by the OIDC service together with token
    default: No default
    format: string
    example: "openid profile email"

    Frontend URL that the user is directed to after a successful authentication. It must be a valid frontend URL.
    default: No default
    format: string
    example: "http://localhost:3000/Datasets"

    field used to retrieve access groups from the OIDC service. It is not used in the vanilla implementation.
    default: No default
    format: string
    example: "access_groups"

    name of the OIDC property used to retrieve the users groups from OIDC.
    default: none
    format: string

    if enabled, when login out from SciCat, we logout from OIDC also.
    default: false
    format: boolean

    URL the user is redirected after a successful logout
    default: none
    format: string

    Flag to enable/disable the Logbook endpoints.
    accept values: "yes", "no"
    default: no
    format: string

    The base URL to the SciChat wrapper API. Only required if Logbook is enabled.
    default: "http://localhost:3030/scichatapi"
    format: string

    The username used to authenticate to the SciChat wrapper API. Only required if Logbook is enabled.
    default: No default
    format: string

    The password used to authenticate to the SciChat wrapper API. Only required if Logbook is enabled.
    default: No default
    format: string

    The maximum number of keys returned by the /Datasets/metadataKeys endpoint.
    default: No default
    format: integer

    The maximum number of Datasets used to extract metadata keys in the /Datasets/metadataKeys endpoint.
    default: No default
    format: integer

    The URI for your MongoDB instance.
    default: No default
    format: string "mongodb://:<PASSWORD>@:27017/"

    URI to OAI provider, which is used in the /publisheddata/:id/resync endpoint.
    default: no default
    format: string

    The facility PID prefix, with trailing slash.
    default: no default
    format: string

    The base URL to the facility Landing Page.
    default: No default
    format: string
    example: ""

  • PORT:
    The port on which the backend listen on.
    default: 3000
    format: integer

    Flag to enable/disable RabbitMQ consumer.
    accepted values: "yes", "no"
    deprecated. Will be removed in future releases.
    default: no
    format: string

    The hostname of the RabbitMQ message broker. Only required if RabbitMQ is enabled.
    deprecated. Will be removed in future releases.
    default: no default
    default: string

    The username used to authenticate to the RabbitMQ message broker. Only required if RabbitMQ is enabled.
    deprecated. Will be removed in future releases.
    default: no default
    format: string

    The password used to authenticate to the RabbitMQ message broker. Only required if RabbitMQ is enabled.
    deprecated. Will be removed in future releases.
    default: no default
    format: string

    URI to the organization that registers the facilities DOIs.
    default: no default
    format: string
    example: ""

    URI to the organization that registers the facilities published data metadata.
    default: no default
    format: string
    example: =""

  • DOI_USERNAME: Username used to authenticate on the DOI site
    default: no default
    format: string

    Password used to authenticate on the DOI site
    default: no default
    format: string

  • SITE:
    The name of your site.
    default: no default
    format: string

    Host of SMTP server.
    deprecated. Will be removed in future releases.
    default: no default
    format: string

    Email address that emails should be sent from.
    deprecated. Will be removed in future releases.
    default: no default
    format: string, email

    Port of SMTP server.
    deprecated. Will be removed in future releases.
    default: no default
    format: string

    Secure of SMTP server.
    deprecated. Will be removed in future releases.
    default: no default
    format: string

    Number of years that needs to elapse before the dataset is made publicly acceessible
    default: 3
    format: integer

    Number of years that the datasets are kept online before are archived or deleted. A negative value means that they are never archived/deleted
    default: -1
    format: integer

    Flag to enable/disable the ElasticSearch service
    accept values: "yes", "no"
    default: no default
    format: string

  • ES_HOST:
    The base URL to the Elasticsearch cluster. Use http if is disabled
    default: no default
    format: string
    example: "https://localhost:9200" or "http://localhost:9200"

    Collection name to be mapped into specified Elasticsearch index
    default: no default
    format: string

    Maximum records can be indexed into Elasticsearch.
    default: 10000
    format: number

    The total number of fields in an index.
    default: 1000
    format: number

    The total number of fields in an index.
    default: no default
    format: string

    The total number of fields in an index.
    accept values: true, false, "waitfor"
    : false
    format: boolean or string

    Elasticsearch cluster username.
    default: no default, optional.
    format: string

    Elasticsearch cluster password.
    default: no default.
    format: string

results matching ""

    No results matching ""