

Following is the list of hte main packages used to build, run and manage testing for the project

  • Chai - Assertion
  • Supertest - NodeJS testing for HTTP calls
  • Mocha - Test runner framework

API tests

SciCat backend v4.x comes with many API tests. They are locate under the /test folder in the backend repository

In order to run the tests you need to have the backend running with an accessible mongodb instance. The backend can be run from terminl with the command:

npm run dev

In a different terminal, you can run all the following tests:

  • unit tests:
    npm run test
  • linting tests:
    npm run lint
  • api tests based on mocha npm run test:api:mocha

If you would like to run the mocha tests directly, you can use the following command:

mocha --config ./test/config/.mocharc.json --timeout=5000 --reporter=nyan

If you are interested in a specific subset of API tests, you can add the --grep option to the mocha command.
For example if you are interested in running only the test named Authorization functionalities, you can use the following command:
mocha --config ./test/config/.mocharc.json --grep \"Authorization functionalities\ --timeout=5000 --reporter=nyan


The following is the list of the current tests groups. We are trying to cover all the different components and endpoints of SciCat backend v4.x and we keep adding new tests every release cycle. The coverage might not be complete. If you find any use case that is not covered by our tests, feel free to open an issue or, even better, to write a new set of tests and submit a PR.

List of tests:

test file main code title description
Auth.js 0100 Authorization functionalities Test login and logout for functional accounts
CheckDifferentDatasetTypes.js 0200 Check Different Dataset Types Check different dataset types and their inheritance
DatasetAuthorization.js 0300 Test access to dataset Test different use cases with different user and restricted access
DatasetFilter.js 0400 Test retrieving datasets using filtering capabilities Leverage fullquery endpoint to retrieve different group of datasets
DatasetLifecycle.js 0500 Test facet and filter queries
DatasetTypes.js 0550
DerivedDatasetDatablock.js 0600
DerivedDataset.js 0700 Derived Datasets test derived datasets functionalities
DerivedDatasetOrigDatablock.js 0800 DerivedDatasetOrigDatablock Test OrigDatablocks and their relation to derived Datasets
Instrument.js 0900 Instrument instrument management, creation, update, deletion and search
InstrumentsFilter.js 1000 Test retrieving instruments using filtering capabilities
Jobs.js 1100 Test New Job Model
OrigDatablockForRawDataset 1200 Test OrigDatablocks and their relation to raw Datasets using origdatablocks endpoint
Policy.js 1300 Simple Policy tests
ProposalAuthorization.js 1400 Test access to proposal
Proposal.js 1500 Simple Proposal
PublishedData.js 1600 Test of access to published data
RandomizedDatasetPermissions.js 1700 permission test with bigger amount of data
RawDatasetDatablock.js 1800 Test Datablocks and their relation to raw Datasets
RawDataset.js 1900 Raw Datasets
RawDatasetOrigDatablock.js 2000 Test OrigDatablocks and their relation to raw Datasets
ResetDataset.js 2100 Create Dataset and its Datablocks, then reset Datablocks and embedded Datasetlifecycle status
Sample.js 2200 Simple Sample Samples functionality tests, like create, update and delete
SampleAuthorization.js 2250 Sample Authorization Test authorization for all samples operations
UserAuthorization.js 2300 User Authorization test that user authorization are correct
Users.js 2400 Login with functional accounts

Test data

It is our intention to save all test data in the file TestData.js.
In some cases, we need to code variation of the data directly in the test file.

Functional and Test accounts

All tests are performed assuming the following user accounts, groups and configuration are present. Users and groups can be defined in the configuration structure defined in src/config/configuration.ts, although the preferred method for configuring functional/tests accounts is through the functional_accounts.json file present in the following folder `` These settings are meant only for testing and to demonstrate the capabilities of backend V4.x. IT is highly recommended to remove accounts that are not needed and change passwords and group affiliations as needed.

Deafault Accounts

The following table lists the accounts that are provided by default in a vanilla installation. Please make sure to change them, update their password or remove them entirely in your production environment.

Account Groups Admin Group Delete Group Create Dataset w/o pid Create Dataset w/ pid Create Dataset Privileged Create Job Update Job
admin admin, global yes no Any
ingestor ingestor yes no Any
archiveManager archivemanager yes yes no
proposalIngestor proposalingestor no no no
user 1 group1 no no Own
user 2 group2 no no Own
user 3 group3 no no Own
user 4 group4 no no no

Group permissions

Environmental variable List of groups
ADMIN_GROUPS admin, ingestor, archivemanager
DELETE_GROUPS archivemanager
CREATE_DATASET_GROUPS group1,group2,group3

Test Details

This section provides details on how all the tests files listed above are organized. Each subsection, provides a list of the test included in each file and the details of each one of them.

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